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Our CRC and our team expertise is the source of a sustainable competitive edge over our competition; impossible to duplicate.

DGA, a global leader in the Premium Food & Beverage industry

Why choose this offer?

CRC operations are at the intersection of a number of strategic challenges: cost reduction, streamlining of the omnichannel customer journeys, customer knowledge and Voice of the Customer feedback, complaints resolution and loyalty generation, continuous improvement and roll-out of relational style. These challenges are managed by increasingly complex mechanisms requiring a versatile skill set (planning models, HR & Management, quality steering, tools, organizing & routing, reporting and outsourcing). Managing all these levers is essential for ensuring the performance of the mechanisms.
In a context of daily operations supervision, it is a constant challenge to consistently meet objectives, identify long-term priorities and manage operational best practices. We employ our proven methodology for all types of organizations and contexts to support you in pinpointing priority challenges in the transformation and design your target model, in line with your business model. By working alongside our operational experts, your company will benefit from knowledge of the inner workings of market best practices in order to gain quick wins.

Introducing our offer

In addition to statistics, we always design our 360° evaluation in cooperation with your experts and total immersion in your teams. From this operational perspective, we identify the must win battles and construct the target model, anywhere from advanced optimization to complete organizational restructuring.


  • Frontline immersion: data collection, interviews with management, customer insights (VOC, complaints, satisfaction)
  • Mapping flows: typology/channels/organizations
  • Evaluating performance: organization, efficiency, productivity, work processes, HR
  • Cost analysis


  • Evaluation overview: positioning in line with best market practices, sharing convictions, SWOT analysis
  • Identifying quick wins
  • Choosing must win battles in terms of the company’s strategic challenges


  • Pinpointing 2 to 4 possible change scenarios in the face of structural challenges
  • Detailed description of options and macro business case
  • Choosing and validating the target scenario (co-evaluation)
  • Refining the target: refining the operation parameters


  • Establishing the transformation projects to conduct and roll-out methodology
  • Outlining the projects
  • Drafting a project plan, including operation targets and quick wins
  • Roadmap deployment validation

Redesign your organization


Defining the must win battles
Identifying quick wins & savings
A target mechanism adapted to strategic challenges
Operation deployment roadmap
Expert assistance & sharing expertise

Case studies


Vincent PLACER

Consulting Associate Director


Consulting Associate Director

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