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Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.


Why choose this offer ?

Wining over customer preference is vital in an increasingly competitive market and a volatile, complex and uncertain environment. Customers demand on the one hand professionalism and responsiveness and on the other that their situation and needs are taken into account in a way that is authentic and tangible. Customer relationship excellence displayed on a day-to-day basis builds long-term loyalty and sparks positive emotions with your customers.

This requires you to efficiently mobilize and support your customer-focused teams (Telephone advisers, Customer Managers, Managers, Cashiers, Sales team, etc.) to provide and/or reinforce key skills to bring about a customer experience that is unique, exclusive and differentiated. The transactional method is not enough…it is time to turn to the relational method.

We will help your teams understand these challenges and develop winning behaviors and practices.

Introducing our approach

We devise and design training and support tools which are entirely bespoke, blended, operational and sustainable. We help our interns grasp and comply with new customer experience challenges, supporting them by boosting their core and creative expertise for the customer’s benefit (on the phone and face-to-face). Apart from improving work methods, we enable your employees to perform more by finding more enjoyment in their work.


  • Optimize your emotional impact
  • Know yourself better
  • Build customer relationships based on trust
  • Build unparalleled customer relationships


  • Pinpoint and be aware of complaints
  • Predict and handle complaints
  • Provide a measured response
  • Explain without justifying


  • Position yourself perfectly
  • Be direct, not aggressive
  • Know how to say no
  • Manage difficult situations


  • Understand the reasons behind aggressive behavior
  • Learn how to take the high ground
  • Look after your well-being
  • Re-establish positive communication


  • Manage the call length
  • Adapt the response to constraints
  • Analyze the response need
  • Go the extra mile


  • Identify speech registers
  • Adopt effective attitudes
  • Improve listening and comprehension skills
  • Make targeted adjustments

Involve your collaborators in the success of your company


give meaning and develop positive mindsets
Enbody successful strategies
SSafeguard operational application

Case studies


Jean-François COHEN

Training Associate Director

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