Surveys adapted to the challenges of innovation and the customer experience
We work alongside companies throughout their innovation and customer experience initiatives, using qualitative and quantitative surveys to gather tangible responses on consumer expectations.
Explanatory approach
In this digital age, knowing what consumers say and think is becoming more and more effortless. This technological revolution has transformed the market research profession by creating incredible opportunities and new challenges in the same breath.
Access to behavioral data and customer interviews has never been so straightforward. Developing a strategy has never been so complicated. Why? The economic environment has broadened and accelerated considerably, consumers are more versatile and critical of brands.
In this context, we offer agile market research solutions to meet your company and customers’ needs through bespoke expertise.
Qualitative research (focus groups, online forums, semi-structured interviews, ethnographic observation, design thinking)
Quantitative research (online studies, phone surveys, statistic analysis, quantitative analysis)
Societal trends (analysis of socio-marketing trends, web trends, market and sector monitoring)
Consulting (creative workshops, synergy workshops, customer typology, economic modelling)
We use innovative methods and approaches to create bespoke survey tools adapted to our customer’s expectations.
All our qualitative and quantitative expertise is based on a wealth of knowledge within a tightly-knit structure, enabling a versatile approach to our customer’s needs.
The success of a survey is based on understanding your context and by offering end-to-end assistance ensuring that our recommendations are perfectly implemented within your company.
Our multidisciplinary experts work together to design ad hoc tools which are perfectly suited to your challenges and objectives.
Key figures

satisfied customers

projects realized


Aurélien GRAGNIC
ConsumerLab Associate Director

Delphine COHEN
Brand Innovation Manager